Her entire family with their Akbar Ali (Father) selling newspapers but hardly earning anything, Zuleikha (her mother) working as a maid in a rich house but always getting insulted by the owner, while she and Bano (her sister) wash car mirrors on the roads. Ummo (her brother) works in a workshop. They are in such a miserable condition that they have nothing to eat most of the times.
Drama: Kash Mein Teri Beti Na Hoti
Channel: Geo Tv
Written By: Kifayat Rudini
Directed By: Syed Ali Raza (Osama)
Produced By: Sameena Humanyun Saeed & Shahzad Naseeb
Day: Monday to Thursday
Fresh Timings: 8:00 pm (PST)
Cast: Fatima Effendi, Danish Tehmoor, Shahid Naqvi, Javeria Abbasi, Salma Zafar, Saleem Mairaj, Ismat Zaidi
Kash Main Teri Beti Na Hoti Episode 38 Part 1 (22 November 2011)
Kash Main Teri Beti Na Hoti Episode 38 Part 2 (22 November 2011)