Husain Haqqani resigned as Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US

Husain Haqqani resigned as Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US: Prime Minister Gilani asked Hussain Haqqani who was the Pakistan Ambassador to US. On his request , Hussain Haqqani submitted his resign. As he was asked for it , so the resignation was accepted.

The Ex - Ambassador " Hussain Haqqani said in interview that he is ready to face any investigation for the Memo Scandal which is surrounding all over these days.

According to the Guardian
Many believe that Haqqani was set up by elements associated with the military. He was no ordinary ambassador but a close adviser to Zardari, and his easy access to the top US military and civilian leadership was viewed with deep suspicion by Pakistan's military establishment.

That means Haqqani was really going to cause severe difficulties for Pakistani army and this was going to be huge attack on the sovereignty of Pakistan.



SAJID is a Blogger who loves to Blog About Entertainment , Gaming and Much more. He is the Founder of AllNEWSPK. He loves to watch Movies and Gossip with Friends.


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